Write Your Own POP3 Service

So, you want to write a POP3 service? That’s great. In this post, we’ll walk through building a simple POP3 service that uses a folder full of EML files as a mailbox and serves them to anyone logging in.

Getting Started

I’m assuming you are already set-up to be writing and building C# code. If you have Windows, the free version of Visual Studio 2019 is great. (Or use a more recent version if one exists.) Visual Studio Code is great on Linux too.

Download and build billpg industries POP3 Listener. Open up a new console app project and include the billpg,POP3Listener.dll file as a reference. You’ll find the code for this project on the same github in its own folder.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.Linq;
using billpg.pop3;

namespace BuildYourOwnPop3Service
    class Program
        static void Main()
            /* Launch POP3. */
            var pop3 = new POP3Listener();
            pop3.ListenOn(IPAddress.Loopback, 110, false);

            /* Keep running until the process is killed. */
            while (true) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000);

This is the bare minimum to run a POP3 service. It’ll only accept local connections. If you’re running on Linux, you may need to change the port you’re listening on to 1100. Either way, try connecting to it. You can set up your mail reader or use telnet to connect in and type commands.

Accepting log-in requests.

You’ll notice that any username and password combination fails. This is because you’ve not set up your Provider object yet. If you don’t set one up, the default null-provider just rejects all attempts to log in. Let’s write one.

/* Add just before the ListenOn call. */
pop3.Provider = new MyProvider();

/* New class separate from the Program class. */
class MyProvider : IPOP3MailboxProvider

This won’t compile because MyProvider doesn’t meet the requirements of the interface. Let’s add those.

/* Inside the MyProvider class. */
public string Name => "My Provider";

public IPOP3Mailbox Authenticate(
    IPOP3ConnectionInfo info, 
    string username, 
    string password)
    return null;

Now, the service is just as unyielding to attempts to log-in, but we can confirm our provider code is running by adding a breakpoint to the Authenticate function. Now, when we attempt to log-in, we can see that the service has collected a username and password and is asking us if these are correct credentials or not. Returning a NULL means they’re not.

This might be a good opportunity to take a look at the info parameter. All of the functions where the listener calls to the provider will include this object, providing you with the client’s IP address, IDs, user names, etc. You don’t have to make use of them but your code may find the information useful.

A basic mailbox with no messages.

We can change our Authenticate function to actually test credentials. For our play project we’ll just accept one combination of user-name and password.

if (username == "me" && password == "passw0rd")
    return new MyMailbox();
    return null;

This will fail compilation because we’ve not written MyMailbox yet. Let’s go ahead and do that.

class MyMailbox : IPOP3Mailbox

Again, we’ll need to write all the requirements of the interface before we can run. So we can move on quickly, let’s provide just the minimum.

The first thing we’ll need is a list of the available messages. We’ll return an empty collection for now.

public IList<string> ListMessageUniqueIDs(
    IPOP3ConnectionInfo info)
    => new List<string>();

The service needs to know if a mailbox is read-only or not. Let’s say it isn’t.

public bool MailboxIsReadOnly(
    IPOP3ConnectionInfo info)
    => false;

The service might sometimes need to know is a message exists or not. For now, it doesn’t.

public bool MessageExists(
    IPOP3ConnectionInfo info,
    string uniqueID)
    => false;

The client might request the size of a message before it downloads it and the service will pass the request along to the provider. I’ve often suspected that clients don’t really need this so let’s just return your favorite positive integer.

public long MessageSize(
   IPOP3ConnectionInfo info, 
   string uniqueID)
   => 58;

The client will, in due course, request the contents of a message, but won’t because both the list-messages and message-exists will deny the existence of any messages, so for now, we can just return null.

public IMessageContent MessageContents(
    IPOP3ConnectionInfo info, 
    string uniqueID)
    => null;

Finally, we need to handle message deletion. Again, we don’t need to do anything just yet.

public void MessageDelete(
    IPOP3ConnectionInfo info, 
    IList<string> uniqueIDs)

And we’re done. Run the code and log-in. Your mailbox will be perpetually empty but you can add breakpoints and confirm everything is running.

List the messages.

Now, let’s actually start with something useful. Let’s change our ListMessageUniqueIDs to return a list of filenames from a folder. You’ll want to replace the value of FOLDER with something that works for you.

const string FOLDER = @"C:\MyMailbox\";

public IList<string> ListMessageUniqueIDs(
    IPOP3ConnectionInfo info)
    => Directory.GetFiles(FOLDER)

public bool MessageExists(
    IPOP3ConnectionInfo info, 
    string uniqueID)
    => ListMessageUniqueIDs(info)

Let’s also place an EML file into our mailbox folder. If you don’t have an EML file to hand, you can write your own using notepad. (It doesn’t care if the file has a “.txt” extension.)

Subject: I'm a very simple EML file.
From: me@example.com
To: you@example.com

Message body goes after a blank line.

If we save that into our mailbox folder and run up the POP3 service, we’ll see there’s a message available. It won’t be able to download it though.

Download the message,

The MessageContents function expects an new object that implements the IMessageContent interface.

/* Replace the MessageContents function. */
public IMessageContent MessageContents(
    IPOP3ConnectionInfo info, 
    string uniqueID)
    if (MessageExists(info, uniqueID))
        return new MyMessageContents(
                       Path.Combine(FOLDER, uniqueID));
        return null;

/* New class. */
class MyMessageContents : IMessageContent
    List<string> lines;
    int index;

    public MyMessageContents(string path)
        lines = File.ReadAllLines(path).ToList();
        index = 0;

    public string NextLine()
        => (index < lines.Count) ? lines[index++] : null;

    public void Close()

This shows the requirements of the object that regurgitates a single message’s contents. A function that returns the next line, one-by-one, and another that’s called to close down the stream. The Close function could close opened file streams or delete temporary files, but we don’t need it to do anything in our play project.

Note that the command handling code inside this library has an extension that allows the client to ask for a message by an arbitrary unique ID. Make sure your code doesn’t allow, for example, “../../../../my-secret-file.txt”. Observe the code above checks that the requested unique ID is in the list of acceptable message IDs by going through MessageExists.

Delete messages.

The interface to delete messages passes along a collection of string IDs. This is necessary because the protocol requires that a set of messages are deleted in an atomic manner. Either all of them are deleted or none of them are deleted. We can’t have a situation where some of messages are deleted but some are still there.

But since this is just a play project, we can play fast and loose with such things.

public void MessageDelete(
     IPOP3ConnectionInfo info, 
     IList<string> uniqueIDs)
    foreach (var toDelete in uniqueIDs)
        if (MessageExists(info, toDelete))
            File.Delete(Path.Combine(FOLDER, toDelete));

What now?

I hope you enjoyed building your very own POP3 service using the POP3 Listener component. The above was a simple project to get you going.


Maybe think about your service could handle multiple users and how you’d check their passwords. What would be a good way to achieve atomic transactions on delete? What happens if someone deletes the file in a mailbox folder just as they’re about to download it?

If you do encounter an issue or you have a question, please open an issue on the project’s github page.

POP3 – Goodbye to numeric message IDs!

This is the second post in my series describing a number of extensions to the POP3 protocol. The main one is a mechanism to refresh an already opened connection to allow newly arrived messages to be downloaded, which I’ve described on a separate post. This one is a lot simpler in scope but if we’re doing work in this protocol anyway, this may as well come as a package.

I am grateful to the authors of POP4 for the original idea.

This post is part of series on POP3. See my project page for more.


To recap, when a client wishes to interact with a mailbox, it first needs to send a UIDL command to retrieve a list of messages in the form of pairs of message-id integers and unique-id strings. (I’ve written before how UIDL really should be considered a required command for both client and server.)

S: +OK Unique-ids follow...
S: 1 AAA
S: 2 AAB
S: 3 AAJ
S: .

The numeric message-ids are only valid for the lifetime of this connection while the string unique-ids are persistent between connections. All of the commands (prior to this extension) that deal with messages use the numeric message-ids, requiring the client to store the UIDL response so it has a map from unique-id to message-id.

This extension allows the client to disregard the message-ids entirely, modifying all commands that have a message-id parameter (RETR, TOP, DELE, LIST, UIDL) to use a unique-id parameter instead.


If the server lists UID-PARAM in its CAPA response, the client is permitted to use this alternative form of referencing a message. If a message-id parameter to a command is all numeric, the server will interpret that parameter as a numeric message-id as it always has done. If the parameter instead begins with the four characters “UID:”, the parameter is a reference to a message by its unique-id instead.

S: +OK Message #1 (UID:AAA) flagged for deletion.
S: +OK Message #2 (UID:AAB) flagged for deletion. 

(The POP4 proposal used a hyphen to indicate the parameter was a unique-id reference. I decided against adopting this as it could be confused for a negative number, as if numeric message-ids extended into the negative number space. A prefix is a clear indication we’re no longer in realm of numeric identifiers and may allow other prefixes in future.)

If a client has multiple connections to a single mailbox, it would normally need to perform a UIDL command and store the response for each connection separately. If the server supports unique-id parameters, the client is permitted to skip the UIDL command unless it needs a fresh directory listing. Additionally, the client is able to use a multiple connections without having to store the potentially different unique-id/message-id maps for each connection.

RFC 1939 requires that unique-ids are made of “printable” ASCII characters, 33 to 126. As the space (32) is explicitly excluded, there is no ambiguity where a unique-id parameter ends, either with a space (such as with TOP) or at the end of the line.


If a requested unique-id is not present, the server will need to respond with a “-ERR” response. To allow the client to be sure the error is due to a bad unique-id rather than any other error, the error response should inside a [UID] response code. (The CAPA response should also include RESP-CODES.)

C: -ERR [UID] No such message with UID:ABC.
C: -ERR [SYS/PERM] A slightly more fundamental error.

It should be noted that a [UID] error might not necessarily mean the message with this unique-id has been deleted. If a new message has arrived since this particular connection opened, the server may or may not be ready to respond to requests for that message. A client should only make the determination that a message has gone only if it can confirm it with either a new or refreshed connection.

Extensions yet to come

I’ve pondered about if this extension, once its written up in formal RFC language, should modify any future extensions that use message-id parameters. Suppose next year, someone writes a new RFC without having read mine that adds a new command “RUTA” that rutabagas the message specified on its command line.

(What? To rutabaga isn’t a verb? Get that heckler out of here!)

The wording could be: “Any command available on a service that advertises this capability in its CAPA response, that accepts a message-id parameter that is bounded on both sides by either the space character or CRLF, and normally only allows numeric values in this position, MUST allow a uid-colon-unique-id alternative in place of the message=id parameter.”

(In other words, this capability, only changes commands where a unique-id with a prefix can unambiguously be distinguished from a numeric message-id.

My inclination is for the RFC defining this capability exhaustively lists the commands it modifies to just the ones we know about. (RETR, TOP, DELE, LIST, UIDL.) I would add a note that strongly encourages authors of future extensions to allow UID: parameters as part of their standard. If someone does add a RUTA command without such a note, then strictly speaking, the client shouldn’t try and use a UID: parameter with the RUTA command, but probably will.

I’m on the fence. What do you think?


RFC 1939 that defines POP3, makes a couple of allowances with the UIDL command that would make UID: parameters problematic. A server is allowed to reuse unique-ids in a single mailbox, but only if the contents of two messages are identical. A server is also allowed to reuse a unique-id once the original message using that unique-id has been deleted.

Since these allowances would introduce a complication to which message is being referenced, any server advertising this capability (in RFC language) MUST NOT exercise these two allowances. If a server advertises UID parameters, it is also promising that its unique-ids really are unique.

Fortunately, all mail servers I’ve looked at can already make this promise, either they use a hash but add their own “Received:” header or they assign an incrementing ID to each incomming message.


New extension: Mailbox Refresh Mechanism
New extension: Delete Immediately
Prototype POP3 Service

POP3 – A Commit and Refresh Mechanism

POP3 is a popular protocol for accessing a mailbox full of email messages. While small devices have moved their mail reading apps to IMAP and proprietary protocols, POP3 remains the preferred protocol for moving email messages between big servers where a no-frills, download-and-delete system is preferred.

A problem with this protocol is embodied in this question: “How often should we poll for new messages?” There’s a non-trivial overhead to connecting. Poll too quickly and you overload the system. Poll too far apart and messages take too long to arrive.

Over my head!

To recap, let’s take a look at what needs to happen every time a POP3 client wants to check for new messages.

  • The client and server handshake TCP as the underlying connection.
  • The client and server handshake TLS for security.
  • The client authenticates itself to the server.
  • The client finally gets to ask if there are any new messages.

“Oh, no new messages? Okay, I’ll go through all that again in five seconds.”

POP3 doesn’t have a way to avoid this continual opening and closing of connections, but it does have a mechanism to add extensions to the protocol. All it needs is for someone to write the new extension down and to develop a working prototype. Which I have done.

“I have no time for your prototype!”

billpg industries POP3 service

On my github account, you’ll find a prototype POP3 server that implements this extension. Download it, compile it, run it. Go nuts. The service is written using the “listener” model. You set it up to listen for incomming connections and it talks the protocol until you shut it down. The library deals with the complexities while requests for messages are passed onto your provider code.

You don’t need to write that provider code if you only want to try it out. I’ve written a basic Windows app where you can type in new messages into a form, ready for the client to connect and download them. If Linux is more your thing or you prefer your test apps to work autonomously, I’ve also written a command-line app that sits there randomly populating a mailbox with new messages, waiting for a client to come along and get them.

To Sleep, and Goodnight…

Now for the new extension itself. It comes in two parts, the SLEE command put a connection to sleep and the WAKE command brings it back.

If a server normally locks a mailbox while a connection is open, then SLEE should release that lock. In fact, SLEE is defined to do everything that QUIT does, except actually close down the connection. Crucially, this includes committing any messages deleted with DELE.

During a sleeping state, you’re no longer attached to the mailbox. None of the normal commands work. You can only NOOP to keep the underlying connection alive, QUIT to shut it down or WAKE to reconnect with your mailbox.

If the server responds to WAKE with a +OK response, a new session has begun. The refreshed connection needs to be viewed as if it is a new connection, as if the client had QUIT and reconnected. The numeric message IDs from before will now be invalid and so the client will need to send a new STAT or UIDL command to update them.

In order to save the client additional effort, the server should include a new response code in the +OK response.

  • [ACTIVITY/NEW] indicates there is are new messages in the mailbox that were not accessible in the earlier session on this connection.
  • [ACTIVITY/NONE] indicates there are no new messages this time, but it does serve as an indication that this server has actively checked and that it is not necessary for the client to send a command to check.
  • (No “ACTIVITY” response indicates the server is not performing this test and the client will need to send a STAT or UIDL command to retrieve this information.)

A server might give an error response to a WAKE command, which may include a brief error message. In this situation where a connection can’t be refreshed for whatever reason, a client might chose to close the underlying connection and open a new one.

The error might include the response code [IN-USE] to indicate that someone else is connected to the mailbox, or [AUTH] to indicate that the credentials presented earlier are no longer acceptable.

Note that the SLEE command is required to include a commit of DELE commands made. If the client does not want the server to commit message deletes, it should send an RSET command first to clear those out.

How would a client use this?

To help unpack this protocol extension, here is description of how the process would work in practice with a server that implements this extension.

The client connects to the server for the first time. It sends a CAPA request and the response includes SLEE-WAKE, which means this connection may be pooled later on.

S: +OK Welcome to my POP3 service!
S: +OK Capabilities follow...
S: .

The client successfully logs in and performs a UIDL which reveals three messages ready to be downloaded. It successfully RETRs and DELEs each message, one by one.

C: USER me@example.com
S: +OK Send password.
C: PASS passw0rd
S: +OK Logged in. You have three messages.
(Remainder of normal POP3 session redacted for brevity.) 

Having successfully downloaded and flagged those three messages for deletion, the client now sends a SLEE command to commit those three DELE commands sent earlier. The response acknowledges that the deleted messages have finally gone and the connection has entered a sleeping state.

S: +OK Deleted 3 messages. Sleeping.

The client can now put the opened connection in a pool of opened connections until needed later. It is not a problem if the underlying connection is closed without ceremony in this state, but it may be prudent for the pool manager to periodically send a NOOP command to keep the connection alive and to detect if any connections have since been dropped.

S: +OK Noop to you too!

Time passes and the client wishes to poll the mailbox for new messages. It looks in the pool for an opened connection to this mailbox and takes the one opened earlier. It sends a WAKE command to refresh the mailbox.

S: +OK [ACTIVITY/NONE] No new messages.

Because the server supports the ACTIVITY response code and the client recognized it, the client immediately knows that there is nothing left to do. The client immediately sends a second SLEE command to put right back into the sleeping state.

S: +OK Deleted 0 messages. Sleeping.

(Incidentally, the client is free to ignore the “ACTIVITY” response code and instead send a STAT or UIDL command to make its own conclusion. It will need to do this anyway if the server does not include such a response code.)

More time passes and the client is ready to poll the mailbox again. As before, it finds a suitable opened connection in the pool and it sends another WAKE command.

S: +OK [ACTIVITY/NEW] You've got mail.

Having observed the notification of new mail, the client sends a new sequence of normal POP3 commands.

This was all within one connection. All the additional resources needed to repeatedly open and close TCP and TLS are no longer needed.


I’ll be doing the job of turning all this informal text into a formal RFC on my github project.

Picture Credits:
đź“· Keyboard Painting Prototype by Rodolphe Courtier.